Klipsi's icebreaker voyage to the North Pole , late July 2008
part 2. at the North Pole July 25.
We had amazing clear weather. Our expedition leader who had already been here 13 times prior to this trip, said he had never had this wonderful weather. Blue sky. Not cold. Light wind. Perfect weather for a BBQ at the North Pole !
July 25 early morning, arriving at precisely the North Pole. Smartphone-GPS in hand, it just jumped from Latitude N 89.9999° to N 90.0000°
Note : images above are from a friend's Nokia N82. My own GPS on Nokia N95 did not show N90.0000 but stayed at N 89.9999 ... Well, that is with 11m precision rather correct, since 1/10'000th of a degree is about 11 meters.
Had Champagne, went back to sleep a few hours, then woke up to wonderful blue skies and perfect BBQ weather .
And after breakfast, went down on the ice...
So, Klipsi ! How was the North Pole ?
- Flat ! -
BBQ @ the North Pole
there was a faint solar halo and a circumzenithal arc
lots of people went swimming in the cold waters.... brrr.....
armed security officers were on the look-out for possible polar bears...
doing Tai-Chi at the North Pole
to be continued...
back to part one, northbound...
Contact Klipsi klipsi@bluewin.ch for info